Saturday, April 11, 2009

Style Zone - Dress(es) for the Occassion

Absent, once again however I have a pretty good excuse this time. I was given the opportunity to work at a magazine this week, so this afternoon here are my top dress picks for this month which includes the trend updates I recieved working at the magazine

Fancy date night ? Not a problem, try to be sexy but dont try too hard, go with creamy colours that complement your skin tone but add burts of colours with a bold cuff or bib necklace. Im sure his heart would race before you even get to say hello.

Lady lunch in? Go casual, no one wants to recognise you as the one who tried too hard to over shadow her friends. A flowing dress is all you need let your shoes be your statement.

Drinks after work ? Who wants to race home and spend hours trying to decide what to wear right after a long shift - answer nobody. Try wearing a versatile dress and match it up with a sophisticated blazer for the office and once all the computers have shutdown and you have practically left dust from fleeing your computer chair with such enthusiasm your ready to hit the floor - I mean bar.

images - net-a-porter

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