Sunday, June 28, 2009


Okay, I know I know. I have been a little well distracted lately with my internship and college I have hardly found the time to update. However I promise it wont happen again - I even swear on my new Chanel perfume (that means a lot) that mind you I keep spraying continuously I think its starting to get on people's nerves also the constant sneezes are beggining to become the downside.
I just finished watching Sex and the City the movie. Could you believe I haven't seen it till now. Let me tell you, im inspired - New York is where I need to be, oh so very soon - I'll just keep telling myself that if you dont mind. Being inspired and the fact that I cant run out and go shopping because that is what I am itching to do, due to it being 11.13pm at night I decided I'd dedicate this post to some key looks inspired by these four fashionistas that I would have in my own overly huge penthouse wardrobe if I lived in New York.

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